
SomaliREN services

We offers a comprehensive suite of digital and networking services, designed to empower educational and research institutions

Connectivity and Network Services

This category ensures robust, high-speed internet access and the reliable performance of network infrastructure critical for academic institutions. It supports essential online activities, from accessing global research databases to participating in virtual collaborations.

Trust & Identity Services

Central to ensuring secure and streamlined access, this category focuses on robust identity management and authentication systems. It provides a Single Sign-On (SSO) capability for all services offered by SomaliREN, allowing users seamless access to various network resources with a single set of credentials.

Educational and Research Tools

Tools under this category are designed to support the core educational and research functions of institutions. They provide platforms for e-learning, storing and sharing scholarly articles, and research papers, gather valuable data for research purposes and access to a wide array of academic materials

Collaboration Tools

Facilitating seamless communication and efficient collaboration, this category includes tools that enable video conferencing, event management, and large file sharing. They are essential for fostering
collaboration across the academic community

Capacity Building and Technical Assistance

Dedicated to enhancing the technical capabilities and infrastructure of member institutions, this category provides direct assistance and development programs.